Author: WGM

Love Yourself!

I have recently been reflecting on a calling I think we all have and that is to help others.  Get out of ourselves and lend a hand.  The question is, can we be of full aid to others if we ourselves are not truly happy?  You hear the flight attendants instruct the passengers to put […]

Nicole Graham is Warrior STRONG!

I was recently introduced to the Nicole Graham story by her father Bruce Graham.  Her fight is one that reminds me that we still need to make advancements with cancer treatment.  While her outcome was successful, let’s keep advancing treatment such that the quality of patients life is not drastically impacted as they fight. Whether […]

Being Part of- Part 2

On a recent blog, you read from me the importance of being “A PART OF” something.  Well last weekend, I was moved as I listened to Mary’s acceptance speech into Nardin Academy’s Hall of Fame.  She referenced the notion of being “A PART OF”.  It got me thinking more about this topic.  The dictionary definition […]

Grateful for all caregivers!

I was recently introduced to the John O’Leary story.  If you are not familiar with John O’Leary, you are going to want to acquaint yourself with his story. As a nine-year-old, John was in a fire explosion that left his body 100% burned.  As you learn more about John you will truly be inspired.  While […]

Miracle in Lake Placid

Now most of you are very familiar with the Miracle on Ice that took place in 1980 during the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid.  The USA Men’s Hockey team beat the Russians in the semifinal game. The movie Miracle still gives me goose bumps.  On our recent trip to Lake Placid I got goose bumps […]