Category: Uncategorized

Thank you! Thank you!

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have been thinking of me. Your prayers are working. We met with our medical team this morning and they put my response in the “fantastic” category. Did you hear the big sigh I just released? I think Mary and I were prepared to […]

Be Awesome Today.

A dear friend of mine recently asked my how I can be awesome everyday. Well my brain started churning. Great question. On a relative basis, we are all awesome in perspective to someone else. Think about it. Do you have a job, are you educated, do you have people around you who love you, did […]

Too many new cases

According to the American Cancer Society in the United States there are about 1,700,000 new cancer diagnosis each year. Thank you to enormous advancements with the treatments the majority of patients win. The first real push I recall for funding cancer research was done on the ESPN stage by Jimmy Valvano- Never Give Up. One […]

Everyone needs to reset periodically.

What an amazing week in Hilton Head with Mary, the Two girls and the Beitz family. It kicked off with Easter Sunday and ended with a bike ride on the beach. We are so grateful for great friends, the opportunity to spend a week in Hilton Head and the weather. We are back home to […]

Todd Huston- A true inspiration

I had the opportunity to hear Todd Huston speak last summer at the Principal YOUniversity. Todd holds the world record for climbing the highest peaks in all 50 states in the shortest amount of time. While this is amazing, what is truly amazing is Todd is an amputee. Beyond this he has found so many […]