Category: Uncategorized

Running Marathons to Make a Difference, with Mike Kloepfer

WGM Listeners, It has been a while but we are still recording episodes and keeping the podcast going strong. We have some exciting updates coming in 2025 so stay tuned. For now, enjoy our latest episode with Mike Kloepfer and Bill Moran, a marathon running journey that fueled raising money for cancer that you won’t […]

Cancer is Not an Excuse, it is Motivation, with Bryce Steele

The latest episode of WGM featuring Boston College student-athlete Bryce Steele has been a big hit, check it out here: The story begins in the waiting room of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute where Matt Moran and Bryce met in the spring of 2023. Both were being seen to treat their ongoing cancer battles. […]

Every Day is Hard and Every Day is Beautiful, with Ellen Duncan

WGM Listeners – Be sure to check out this week’s episode with Ellen Duncan as she shares her personal story and how she is managing with strength and faith after her loss. Godspeed.   Ellen Duncan strives to live a life of joy alongside grief. Every day she models strength, love, and faith for […]

Making Daily Choices and Knocking Out Anxiety, with Dr. John Delony

Dear WGM Listener, Thank you for your support of the WGM Show and being a loyal listener. In case you were not aware, we are continuing to produce shows in honor of Matt’s legacy.  Below you will find the latest episode hosted by Matt’s brother, Bill Moran. As a favor, in the comments of this blog post, please let us know what the show has meant to you or any thoughts you have about your experience listening to any of the episodes.  With Gratitude,  WGM Team PS: You can also follow WGM on Facebook and Instagram. Dr. John Delony is a highly sought after best-selling author, mental health expert and show host covering relationships, mental health, anxiety, healthy leadership and emotional wellness. In other words, this episode is […]

Jesus Calling, Sarah Young Sept 18.

Jesus calling has become a daily staple to remind me how present HE is during both ups and downs. I am so grateful to Sarah for this body of work. I have moved to following it on her app. For those looking to feel GOD’a presence, Jesus Calling would be very helpful. SEEK TO PLEASE […]