With Gratitude Matt Blog

Only ONE Judge!

When you compare you are in despair! There is someone that has more money than you. There is someone who has a bigger house than you. There is someone who is smarter than you. There is someone who drives a fancier car than you. That said there is no one

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WGM teaser released

With Gratitude, Matt host Matt Moran is interviewed by show producer Mike Nead and shares some thoughts on why he started the show, a typical guest profile, what listeners can expect to hear, and then plays a few sound bites from the first 5 shows. Listen in to preview what’s

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Memorial Day Gratitude!

I want to give special thanks to anyone who has served our country. You are heroes. Today I pray for the families of the soldiers we lost as they served our country. May these families find peace in knowing that because of their loved one’s bravery we have freedom ourselves.

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Coronavirus/ Covid-19 Anxiety- Tools to manage

I started tracking the CDC volume of cases on March 10, 2020.  Today the numbers are vastly different.  Here are the facts: 3/10/20- 111k worldwide cases/ 390 deaths.  United States 564/ 22 deaths 3/23/20- 374k worldwide cases/ 16,350 deaths.  United States 33,404 US/ 400 deaths You have heard all about

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