Author: WGM

Gratitude Matt on the Podcast Failing Forward.

Recently I was invited to be a guest on the Podcast Failing Forward. Sarah Brown has done a remarkable job with her podcast. She invites guests on her podcast that have taken some thing negative from their lives and they discuss how the guest has grown from that experience. I had an absolute blast recording […]

See, Feel, Trust: SFT

It was 2008 when my friend Tom Nellenbach gave me the book “Seven Day in Utopia- Golf’s Sacred Journey”. At the time I thought the book was about how to play better Golf. Tom knew that Golf was a true passion of mine. He also saw how at times my game frustrated the heck out […]

The Thrill of Victory- Booyah!

As a kid, Sport was my everything. We would play baseball, soccer, basketball and football in the back yard. Kids from the entire neighborhood would show up at our house after dinner. We would divide the team evenly and kick things off. Our goal was to make a play that deserved being on ABC’s Wide […]

Advent 2019- He is coming.

Can you believe that it is December 2019? Beyond being the first day of December, today is a special day in that it is the first day of Advent. I was reminded of how special this day is as I read Jesus Calling this morning. As we prepare for Jesus’s Birthday, let’s celebrate the coming […]


Could you imagine life without change?   I am grateful for change.  Without change, we would still be infants.  Think of what has taken place since you came into this world.  What has changed or how have you grown? You walked for the first time at 12 months You said mom or dad at 16 […]