Author: WGM

The Pivot

The Websters Dictionary for Pivot is to adapt or improve or modify something.      Life is always full of periods when we have to pivot. As a cancer patient, I know that all too well. On this journey, you periodically find you need to pivot and trust in the next move. The pivot can […]

Matt Moran – Gratitude Talk for the St. Xavier football team- Aug 1, 2021

Listen to Matt share how the practice of gratitude has impacted his life. He addressed the St. Xavier HS football team on August 1. Here are three things Matt does each day to stay grounded as life throws hurdles his way. 1. Find something you are grateful for regardless of how powerful the storm […]

Happy 7-14-21

It was brought to my attention as I ordered breakfast this morning that today is a very unique day. All numbers are divisible by 7 chronologically. May you have a blessed day and enjoy this Bible verse from Matthew. Matthew 7:14-21 NIV But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, […]

Kidney Cancer Awareness Month- We have come so far!

This month we have two exciting podcasts planned to create more awareness and support of Kidney Cancer Awareness month. On March 8th, we will release a With Gratitude Matt show with Dr. Bradley McGregor as our guest. Dr. McGregor is my oncologist out of Dana Farber. On March 24th, I will be the guest on […]

“You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live.” Stuart Scott (July 1965- January 2015)

For five years now, cancer has been part of my life.  Wow how time flies.  With 2020 being the five-year milestone, I am humbled knowing many cancer patients do not get five years after original diagnosis.  Five years is truly a blessing.  Each day is a blessing!  We are here today because of all the […]