Memorial Day Gratitude!

I want to give special thanks to anyone who has served our country. You are heroes. Today I pray for the families of the soldiers we lost as they served our country. May these families find peace in knowing that because of their loved one’s bravery we have freedom ourselves.

May everyone have a blessed Memorial Day. 

Secondly, I want to build off what I briefly mentioned on Easter Sunday. I am getting ready to launch the “with Gratitude Matt” podcast show. Just as our military serve our country, I think we are all called to serve. There are many ways to serve. They are all purposeful. For me my goal is to share with you people who have inspired me or have helped me along the way. We have a target to go live by the 4th of July. Please stay tuned for more details. I am very excited for this next chapter.

We have several guests for the show ready to go. Please think of potential guest who could contribute to the show.

Until next time, keep working at what I try to do every day:

  1. Find something you are Grateful for
  2. Be truly Present for those you are with 
  3. Ask yourself what you are feeding your mind, body and spirit?

Live inspired at God speed! SFT!