Could you imagine life without change? I am grateful for change. Without change, we would still be infants. Think of what has taken place since you came into this world. What has changed or how have you grown?
- You walked for the first time at 12 months
- You said mom or dad at 16 months
- You met your first friend
- You read for the first time
- You rode a bike for the first time
- You went to school for the first time
- You learned to play a musical instrument
- You played a sport for the first time
- You drove a car for the first time
- You graduated from College
- You got your first job
- You got your first promotion
- You got married
- You had Children
- And you watched the growing cycle begin all over with your child
We can either embrace change or fight it. Above I highlighted a few changes that quickly came to mind. That said, the list could go on for pages if we think about how we change and evolve each day. What a blessing there is in change. Now I beg the question, is God involved in your life? I recognize there are many different views on the presence of God. From my perspective He is involved in everything that I do. So many of the highlights above never would have happened without Him involved.
The world will continue to change and evolve. You can grow with it and evolve with it or you can get passed up. Why would you not want to embrace the miracles that are in store for you? Fighting change will interfere with the blessing that are in store for you.
Fear is a very natural emotion. There are periods of time that fear is more real than in other times. What has been helpful to me during periods of fear is reflecting on the personal laundry list my blessings that I have experienced in your own life. When you rode a bike for the first time was fear present? In order to keep trying to ride the bike it required faith that you would be able to accomplish something that you have never done before.
What is fueling you? Is it Fear or Faith? When in fear you cannot fully do what is asked of you today. In Faith you can climb mountains. Let’s go to the top together!
Keep working at what I try working on every day and that is:
- Find something you are Grateful for
- Be truly Present for those you are with
- Ask yourself what you are feeding your mind, body and spirit?
Live inspired at God speed!