Attitude- what role can it play on where you go?

Thank you to my mother I have been familiar with the Attitude quote by Charles Swindoll since I was a young boy. She had it prominently displayed in our home growing up. It was so prominent that when I moved out I was given one for myself. Today it is displayed in our bathroom off our kitchen.

“I am convinced life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”

Just last week you read about being awesome. Well at 7am this morning I had an awesome experience. As I walked across the street at the airport terminal I said “hello how are you today” to the security guard. His response as “awesome.” So I am not the only person that thinks this way. I took a brief moment to discuss being awesome with the security guard. Very cool.

Back to the Charles Swindoll quote. There is absolutely greatness that is not only inside you but around you. What do you see. Do you see the mistakes, the shortcomings, the bad news and the challenges ahead of you. Or do you see your accomplishments, your wins, bright news and the opportunities that have been presented. Your attitude is your choice.

I can share with you that with my disease I have been more clearly and acutely made aware of the blessing I have. Today I am grateful to my mother for introducing myself to this quote as a young boy. It is with me today.

Today I pray we have to courage to embrace what happens to us and that we respond with absolute love.

Have an awesome day.

God speed!